Restaurants narrate Umbria

UmbriaTaste is the column celebrating the gastronomic treasures of our Region.

Get ready to travel through the flavours and aromas of Umbria from the comfort of your own kitchen. 

We will guide you on a culinary adventure with video-recipes that enhance Umbrian traditions and typical ingredients.

The Trasimeno Tegamaccio
Prepared by Laura of the Locanda dei Pescatori del Trasimeno, its name is a tribute to the terracotta pot in which it is cooked, adding a rustic and authentic touch.
The Drunken Hen by Malvarina
Patrizia of the Malvarina di Assisi tells us how the drunken hen from the Orvietano area spread throughout Umbria.
Stringhetti courgette and saffron by Stella
Nicola from the Stella restaurant in Perugia tells us about a recipe inspired by seasonality and all the ingredients he uses come from our region of Umbria!
Chianina steaks by Rione Spada
Pierpaolo at the Rione Spada under the portico of the Conce, on the occasion of the Rivincita della Quintana
 Piccione di Capodacqua con melanzane sesamo bianco e timo serpullo
Piccione di Capodacqua con melanzane sesamo bianco e timo serpullo
Chef Giulio Gigli of the UNE restaurant presents us with a recipe that enhances and revisits a great classic dish of Umbrian cuisine: pigeon.
Polpette Special al Sugo
Leonardo from Pecora Nera, Polpette & Co tells us how they create meatballs special al sugo with products mainly from the Umbrian territory.