Museo Archeologico Colfiorito Foligno

Museo Archeologico Colfiorito

The Museum is situated at Colfiorito, a small town in the mountain near Foligno situated along a major road junction which in ancient times already connected Umbria, Sabina and the Adriatic coast.
The visit of the Museum is an opportunity to learn about the cultural development of this dynamic part of the Umbrian Apennines, since prehistoric times inhabited and permanently occupied from the Archaic by the Umbrian people of Plestini.
At Colfiorito there are also the Nature Park and its museum.

Exhibits finds from excavations carried out largely in the Colfiorito and its Highlands since the sixties of the twentieth century. It is dedicated to Plestini, population of Umbrian origin here especially attested in the most mature point in its development (VII-V century BC). The itinerary is organized in thematic sections, where, in addition to illustrative panels and multimedia stations, there are also reconstructions of some discovery contexts. On the ground floor is the lapidary, consisting of finds from the Roman city and the territory plestino: tanks, frames and columns, but also inscriptions. The first floor is entirely dedicated to the pre-Roman necropolis of Colfiorito, frequented from the IX to the III century, with the exposure of grave goods and two tombs reconstructed in real size. On the second floor they are shown the towns and sanctuaries, and in particular the fort of Mount Orve and the sanctuary of the goddess Cupra, from which four bronze plates with inscriptions indicating the deity as "mother of Plestini". The itinerary is closed by a section dedicated to the urban organization of Plestia and the rural settlements which raised up on the area of the Highlands.
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