The Nocera Umbra sources

The Nocera Umbra springs

The abundant water, mostly with unique organoleptic properties, represents a main asset of the Nocera territory. 

Suffice it to say that there are countless springs, some of which serve other municipalities. The main springs, whether for historical importance or use, are the Angelica, the Flaminia and the Cacciatore, which represent the past, the present and the future of Nocera with respect to water.


Angelica Spring

It arises in Bagni di Nocera and is the oldest of the three springs in terms of commercial exploitation. Consider that drinking mineral water as therapy was already known and practised in the Nocera area with water from this spring in 1500; it was then developed with the opening of a thermal centre in the vicinity of the spring itself. This place came to be one of the most popular centres for in central Italy for "taking the waters" for a time. This success gradually abated between the late 19th century and the early 20th century.

The reasons for this declne are linked to the evolution of spa-tourism and especially to the development of new ways to spend holidays. If tourism linked to Nocera water experienced a serious crisis then, the same cannot be said about the commercial success of the water.

At its height, it was exported to Germany, Portugal and even Constantinople. Starting from the late 19th century, thanks to the entrepreneurial skills of Felice Bisleri, a Milanese industrialist, the Nocera water was exported to countries such as North America, Latin America and India.

Over the centuries many scientific essays have been written concerning the features of this water and all authors agree about its high quality, to the extent that in the 18th century it was taken as sample, both for its physical and chemical characteristics, to assess the quality of other waters. In September 1805 the professors Alessandro Humbolt and Gay-Lussac, both famous scholars, , came specifically to Nocera to analyse this spring water.

In the tourism and thermal sector Nocera was a very popular destination for noblemen and bourgeois, so that several famous people came to Nocera for treatment. Among the others, we note Vincenzo Monti, Luigi Pirandello and Giacomo Leopardi. The range of pathologies treated with this water was very broad. Today the spring has lost its ancient glory and the old spa is reduced to the complex of buildings that are being totally renovated. 


The Flaminia Spring

Arising in “Le Case”, it’s currently the most exploited source because its waters flow to the Nocera Scalo plant for bottling, and is sold as the brand “Nocera Umbra Flaminia Spring”. 


The Cacciatore Spring

The Cacciatore Spring, also called of Centino, arises in the vicinity of Schiagni and has particular mineral properties that make it suitable for therapeutic uses. In the past, thanks to its lightness, it was used to treat specific pathologies. The District of Nocera Umbra aims at exploiting the features of this water by implementing an ambitious project: opening a spa centre. The therapeutic features of this water have been recognized through highly scientific experiments carried out by different doctors and scholars who are luminaries of the sector.

Laboratory analysis has been followed by practical studies on patients suffering particular pathologies and on healthy subjects. The conclusion reached after different examinations led to claim that this water plays a role in several factors: it promotes diuresis, increases the urinary excretion of urates, reduces the urinary excretion of calcium, improves the function of liver and of the exocrine pancreas, is an adjuvant in the diabetes treatment and doesn’t provoke any side effects.

The Italian Health Superior Council authorized the use of this water for the following therapies: hepatic and pancreatic functionality, diuresis, calciuria and uricosuria, adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes. Currently, despite the ongoing works on the principal project, it’s possible to access the spring to enjoy its water and relax.



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