Palazzo della Corgna - Città della Pieve

Palazzo della Corgna - Città della Pieve

The Palazzo della Corgna is the most important Città della Pieve noble home.

It was built in the centre of the village, in Piazza Gramsci, in front of the Cathedral church, mirroring the political and economic fortunes linked to the family. Construction work on the palace began around the mid-16th century directed by the Perugian architect Galeazzo Alessi on commission from Ascanio della Corgna. It incorporates the hunting lodge that belonged to the Baglioni family, in turn obtained from ancient medieval tower houses.

Ascanio, in 1550, had been appointed by his uncle Pope Julius II as perpetual governor of Castel della Pieve, the ancient name of Città della Pieve, and managed to keep the palace until 1571, the year of his death. From the sources we know that it was also had a beautiful garden, of which little remains today.

Currently owned by the municipality, both the building structure and its decoration have been restored. All the relief decorations on the facade are made of pietra serena stone and show clear signs of degradation, as this material is not very resistant to external agents. Inside, both the vaults of the rooms and those of the stairs are covered with frescoes. On the first floor, where there are the reception halls and the apartment of Ascanio della Corgna, the vaults are frescoed by Niccolò Circignani, known as Pomarancio, representing the Concert of Muses and dated to 1564.

The ground floor, which served as the "secret" part of the building, usually used as a place of intellectual recreation, is thought to have been frescoed by Salvio Savini who painted a banquet of the gods. Currently the palace together with the oratory of Santa Maria dei Bianchi, the church of San Pietro and the church of Santa Maria dei Servi is part of the Open City Museum Circuit. Inside the palace is the "Francesco Melosio" municipal library.

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