The Church of Santissimo Crocifisso - Monteleone di Orvieto

Chiesa del Santissimo Crocefisso

Just outside the north gate of Monteleone di Orvieto, along the Umbro Casentinese road, is the Church of the Santissimo Crocifisso.

The building, dating back to the 17th century, was the object of a drastic restoration after a long period of decline and neglect: it reopened for worship on August 15, 2004. In the place where the church is now there was a small chapel on whose back wall was painted a Crucifixion: many miracles were attributed to the image of the most holy crucifix and its altar collected enormous alms.

In 1601 the municipality of the time, urged by the population, asked the Ecclesiastical Authority for permission to build a church around this little chapel. The construction began by the architect Francesco Scalza of Orvieto, son of the famous Ippolito, and the Community took on much of the expenditure. Various problems brought huge delays; not least those related to the events of the conflict between the Farnese and the Pope for supremacy on the Duchy of Castro. The six paintings of the pilasters, with motifs related to the Passion of Christ, are of that period.

The church was open for worship only in 1633. In the new church the altar was the back wall with the image of the crucifix of the small original chapel. The place of worship was associated with the Confraternita della Morte, a pious old institution that, since that time, has been called the Confraternita della Morte e del Santissimo Crocifisso. Almost a century later, in the early 1700s, the wooden altar framing was built. During the 1700s the two side chapels were built. After various transformations they were dedicated to Our Lady of Good Counsel, an image greatly venerated by citizens of Monteleone, and Our Lady of Sorrows, located to the right, which houses the statue used in the Good Friday procession.




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