Sanctuary of the Madonna di Mongiovino - Panicale

Sanctuary of the Madonna di Mongiovino - Panicale

The Sanctuary of Mongiovino or of the Madonna di Mongiovino is within walking distance of Panicale (about 7 kilometres) and just beneath the ancient Castle of Mongiovino. 

It was built in 1524 by Rocco da Vicenza to replace a more ancient chapel which housed a miraculous picture of the Madonna.

The sandstone sanctuary has a Greek cross plan and an octagonal cupola supported at its interior by four pillars.

The portals of the building are also remarkable and are the work of the same Rocco, Giuliano da Verona, Bernardino da Siena and Lorenzo da Carrara.

The interior presents a square plan with four chapels on its corners and the main chapel preserving the miraculous painting.

Among the notable works there are the Deposition from the Cross by Arrigo Fiammingo, a Resurrection by Nicolò Pomarancio, the Coronation of Mary depicted on the cupola by Mattia Batini and other important sacred images including especially the miraculous image representing the Virgin and Child, of the 14th century.

Beyond the pictorial works, other noteworthy pieces are the main altar in stone and the terracotta statues located in the niches of the organ and executed by Bevignate da Perugia and Arrigo Fiammingo.

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