Avigliano d'Umbria

The small village of Avigliano

During mediaeval times, Avigliano Umbro and its territory experienced long disputes between Todi and Amelia and this is indicated by the marble eagle, the symbol of Todi, on the main doorway to the city.

The Chiesa della Santissima Trinità [Church of the Holy Trinity], is of note as it holds the painting of the Madonna del Rosario attributed to Andrea Polinori, a famous painter from Todi. There are nevertheless traces of the urban mediaeval fabric on the walls, on the entrance door and on the large tower with a cylindrical base where the public clock juts out.


The communal theatre is also worth mentioning. This was built at the start of the 20th Century and is well conserved inside.

As you leave Avigliano Umbro, you can find interesting religious buildings such as the Chiesa di Santa Vittorina, the Chiesa di Sant'Egidio and Chiesa di Sant'Angelo churches, and a visit to some castles and fortresses nearby is also worthwhile.
First and foremost, the Castello di Santa Restituta castle, which stands alongside an important archaeological area, the Grotta Bella, where many statuettes of protohistoric and Roman history have been found, the Castello di Toscolano castle alongside the Cappella della Maestà di Toscolano chapel containing frescoes which can be attributed to Pier Matteo d'Amelia and the Castello di Sismano castle with its two impressive side towers.

Finally in Dunarobba, we find an impressive quadrangular fortress dominated on its four sides by large cylindrical towers. This is located near the famous Fossil Forest, an impressive prehistoric natural park formed around a million and a half years ago and made up of grand sequoia trees.


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